
Position Papers & Blogs

Left Quote Mitch and I have over 40 years of cybersecurity experience that can save your company and reputation from destruction. We lovingly share a small amount of it with you in the content and short videos below. Ping us for more info.Right Quote --Ray Hutchins, Managing Partner


U.S. National Cybersecurity Strategy--Just Released!

Our Position Papers

  • Data: Executive Report - Data Management in IT Infrastructures: Click Here
  • Governance: IT/Security & Privacy GRC Solutions–Time for an Evolution:  Click Here
  • Privacy: Privacy Laws: An Executive Overview:  Click Here
  • Inventories and Network: Why IT Inventories and Network Mapping are Critical Risk Management Tools:  Click Here
  • Boards of Directors: Caremark and More Propels New Board Risks:  Click Here
  • CMMC: Why We Think There is a Better Way to Fix the DIB Security Crisis:  Click Here
  • CMMC Compliance: The New Enclave Approach:  Click Here
  • Cyber War: The Global Cyber War and Societal Response:  Click Here
  • Financial Service Companies: GLBA & FTC Safeguards Rule:  Click Here
  • Job Security: How IT Folks Can Protect Their Job Pre-Breach:  Click Here
  • Monitoring: IT Infrastructure Monitoring Issues-Making the Best Choice for Your Company:  Click Here
  • MSPs: Hiring, Managing and Firing MSPs:  Click Here
  • Testing: Vulnerability Scanning & Pentesting Explained for Executives:  Click Here
  • Valuations: Reducing Risk and Increasing Company Valuations With Good Cybersecurity:  Click Here
  • vCISO: Secrets of Hiring and Firing vCISOs:  Click Here
  • Governance: Why Technologists Fail to Communicate Effectively With Leadership:  Click Here

Our Case Studies

  • Case Study: Secure GCCH Enclave Establishment for DoD Contractor – ZYX Corp.: Click Here

Our Blogs:

  • CyberCecurity Blog: The latest cybersecurity and privacy news, opinion and info:  Click Here
  • Turnkey Cyber Blog: The latest privacy and program info:  Click Here
  • Cyber War HQ: Cyber war news, blogs and resources:  Click Here
  • YOUR Cyber Blog: This blog can be branded with your company:  Click Here
  • Mitch Tanenbaum Blog:This is where it all started:  Click Here

Our Audio and Video Blog:

  • CyberCecurity Blog: The latest cybersecurity and privacy news, opinion and info:  Click Here

Have an audience that can benefit from an interesting cybersecurity presentation?
We are available at no charge for local Colorado and global webinar presentations.
We have a wealth of excellent content. Please give us a call at 303-887-5864 to discuss your needs.