
Cybersecurity for Executives and High Net Worth Individuals

In this short video, cybersecurity professionals Mitch Tanenbaum and Ray Hutchins discuss why personal cybersecurity for executives and high net worth individuals is so critical for company executives and other high net worth individuals. Today, one of the primary channels for hackers into companies is to attack individuals and then use them as the springboard into the company's finances.

The feds say that China alone steals $600 billion a year from U.S. companies and they are still active today in these company's systems. Companies that cannot stem the flow of IP to adversaries go bankrupt or go out of business.

Cybersecurity Services for Executives and High Net Worth Clients Include:
  • Personal and home IT infrastructure assessments and support.
  • Digital and physical infrastructure hardening.
  • Personal and family social media risk assessments.
  • Malware and ransomware incident support.
  • Digital asset recovery services.
  • Insurance policy reviews and negotiation support.
  • Support with local and national law enforcement.
Benefits of Professional Executive and High Net Worth Cybersecurity Support Include:
  • Less risk of financial and digital asset thefts for you and your family.
  • Less chance the bad guys can use you as a conduit to your business enterprises.
  • Increased likelihood of fast insurance payouts for any losses.
  • Less risk of executive blackmail via family breaches.
  • Greater safety and less risk exposure for you and your family.
  • Increased ability to successfully deal with online criminals attacking you and/or your family.