
Cyber Security Executive Coaching for Women Executives

"No issue today has created more concern within corporate C-suites and boardrooms than cybersecurity risk. With the ability to shatter a company's reputation with their customers and draw criticism from shareholders, lawsuits from affected parties, and attention from the media, the threat of cyber risk is ubiquitous and insidious. No company, region, or industry is immune, which makes the responsibility to oversee, manage, and mitigate cyber risk a top-down priority in every organization."

Tom W. Farley
President, New York Stock Exchange

NOTE: The Board of Directors has "risk oversight" responsibility and liability; the board does not itself manage cybersecurity risks or any other risks; instead the board oversees the corporate systems that ensure that management is doing so effectively. C-suite executives, on-the-other-hand have direct management responsibility and liability for cybersecurity risks. Learn more about our Board of Directors' services.


Program Goals:

1. Elevate the woman executive's knowledge and awareness of cyber security risk, issues, liabilities, and solutions
2. Quickly position the woman executive to make a greater and more valuable contribution to their organization's efforts to reduce cyber risk
3. Actively support the woman executive as she makes and contributes to cyber security related decisions
4. Immediately increase the value of the woman executive's experience and resume

Cyber Security Executive Coaching Program Components:

1. Initial assessment and strategy coaching session
2. Monthly working coaching sessions
3. Annual cyber security group coaching seminar
4. On-demand coaching support
5. Access to our professional library of cyber security educational materials
6. Access to our network of vetted cyber security support professionals


NOTE: Our Cyber Security Executive Coaching Program is designed to align the exective's cyber security approach to ISO 27x and NIST Cyber Security Framework requirements.

Call us today for more information: 720-891-1663