
Concise, Condensed Mortgage Company Cybersecurity and Privacy Policies and Procedures Package

You cannot enforce policies unless everyone has read and understands them. The old style of long-form, complex policies is dead. Replace your mortage company cyber policies with our new CONSOLIDATED, easy-to-read policy.

Why you need an easy-to-read cybersecurity policy for
your mortgage company.

When was the last time you read your company's cybersecurity policies? When was the last time they were updated? How can you enforce good cyber hygiene when no one has read or understands the document that governs that process?

  • Our CONDENSED policy is easy to read and understand.
  • No longer any excuse for management and staff not to know what is the company's public position on this important subject.
  • Our policy package provides everything needed for smooth implementation and maintenance.
  • No longer fear a compliance failure related to poor policy implementation. Our policy is fully compliant with NY DFS, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae and other regulatory regimes.

Solving Your Cyber Policy Problem

Problem: Your current cybersecurity policies are too lengthy and complex. No one is able to read and/or understand them. This reality actually prevents you from having a professional cyber program--and it keeps your cyber risk unnecessarily high.

Solution: Replace and update your old style, dead-in-the-water cybersecurity program with our new CONSOLIDATED cybersecurity

  • Policy Package:
    • 15 policies consolidated into ONE, very readable policy
    • Written by the top policy experts in the country
    • Comes with policy training video, procedures, compliance map, implementation instructions and more
    • Policies available for all industries and DoD 800-171r3


  • Easy and fast to read, understand and implement
  • Compliant with regulatory and insurance requirements
  • Low cost/fast foundation for a professional cybersecurity program
  • Facilitates true staff compliance
  • Translates into less company risk and a higher company valuation

Why Choose Us As Your Risk Management Partner?


Mortgage-Focused vCISO Services

Our vCISO team is composed of seasoned business and technology leaders with a deep understanding of the mortgage industry. Fluent in the languages of mortgage operations, risk management, compliance, IT, security, and privacy, we bridge the gap between technology and the intricacies of mortgage business. More info HERE.


Board Support Services

A well-implemented governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) system is the bedrock of good governance in the mortgage sector. However, boards often require additional support. We offer recruitment, consulting, and risk management training tailored specifically to the unique needs of mortgage businesses. More info HERE.


Expert Witness Services

Even with a robust GRC solution, legal matters, breaches, and non-compliance issues may find their way into court. In such instances, boards and top management in the mortgage industry can greatly benefit from an expert witness who not only comprehends technology but also understands the intricacies of mortgage laws. Check out our expert witness services HERE.

Want to set up a meeting with our lead policy expert to learn more? Let's Talk!

Other position papers, reports, and videos of interest