
About Us

CyberCecurity was formed in March 2016 via a merger of the founder's two previous companies Denver Cyber Security and Information Risk Strategy Consultants. The two companies had been officially collaborating on projects for some time previous to the merger until it made sense to combine the two operations.

Today, CyberCecurity is considered one of Colorado's leading full-service cybersecurity and privacy companies and in certain national industry verticals (such as the mortgage lending industry vertical), CyberCecurity is recognized as the premier cybersecurity provider.

CyberCecurity is a full-service cybersecurity and privacy company that is able to provide a full range of services and products but at a fraction of the cost of our competitors. That is because we are a virtual company that does not have to carry fixed overhead costs. We have assembled a top-notch team of fully vetted specialized technical personnel. We pioneered work-from-home teams that leveraged off today's technology long before Covid hit. The team presented below is just a partial representation of the resources we can bring to bear on behalf of any client.

Huttan Holding: Background

Ray Hutchins and Mitch Tanenbaum are the founders and partners of Huttan Holding, the owner and operator of multiple risk management, cybersecurity and privacy business entities, assets, and brands. Huttan Holding was established in 2015 with headquarters located in Denver, CO. Huttan Holding encompasses the following entities:

Huttan Holding develops and markets a wide range of products and services for SMBs and larger companies, including the following:

  • Comprehensive, turnkey NIST and DoD compliant risk management, cybersecurity and privacy programs
  • Full-service risk management, cybersecurity and privacy consulting services for companies and high net-worth individuals
  • MSSP services
  • Compliance services and programs for all major compliance regimes, including NIST CSF, PF, SSDF, AI, NY DFS500, CMMC, GDPR, CCPR, and others
  • Board of Directors Support and Training
  • Virtual CISO services
  • Expert witness services
  • Valuation support
  • Enclave architectures and support
  • Cyber insurance policy reviews
  • Cybersecurity business certifications


NOTE: Huttan Holding is interested in risk management, cybersecurity and privacy start-ups of all kinds and at all stages of development. We have the capability to evaluate all manner of cyber-related technologies, including those related to quantum computing and artificial intelligence. We will consider direct investment as well as strategic and other partnerships in or with opportunities that support our mission and goals.

Mitch Tanenbaum, Cybersecurity Assessment Specialist & Strategist

Mitch Tanenbaum

Partner & CISO
ray hutchins, CyberCecurity president

Ray Hutchins

Managing Partner

Mitch Tanenbaum's Bio

From the very start, Mitch Tanenbaum seemed destined to become one of the country’s top IT and risk management professionals. Born into and nurtured by a family of intellectual heavyweights, Mitch’s ability to intake, store, and articulate information is matched only by the computational devices he loves and understands so well. Mitch (of course) whizzed through school and graduated with honors from Cornell’s renowned electrical engineering program.

He was immediately snapped up by Texas Instruments (TI), which at the time, was a top global technology powerhouse doing much technology work for the Department of Defense. As a software engineer, he was put on the team that built the first Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver for the United States Air Force. (That GPS receiver is the forerunner of the GPS in every cell phone today.)

Recognized as a leader, Mitch was quickly tasked with standing up a new, internal IT organization for TI Defense Systems. He led a team of over 350 technical personnel who developed and operated a wide variety of information systems from real time mission simulation hardware to mainframe data centers. Mitch brought virtualization technology (VMs) into mainstream use at TI decades before it became popular on PCs. The team also led TI’s cybersecurity engineering department in securing classified DoD projects. Mitch then transitioned into financial services and assumed various CTO, CIO, and CISO positions in global mortgage service companies.

Living in the United States and having been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and sensing that the vulnerable global IT infrastructure was very shortly going to require some serious help, Mitch decided to move into cybersecurity. He was a partner in a startup that built a security technology for the DoD–which is still in use today, including in the IoT and IIoT markets. Then, Mitch was snared by Ray’s network and they decided to tackle cybersecurity together.Today, Mitch leads all technical aspects of Huttan Holding’s assets and also mentors thousands of people in risk management around the world.

mitch linked in

Ray Hutchins' Bio

As Ray Hutchins tells the story, he was born at an early age in Vienna, Austria. He has traveled extensively, and his various global experiences have shaped his mentality today. Always an eager and successful student, Ray studied at schools around the world, but his goal of law school was interrupted by the Vietnam war–and a life-long love of flying.

During his service as a U.S.A.F. pilot, he was recognized for his flying skills and trained both U.S. allies’ pilots and the first class of female aviators in the military. After serving, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and become an entrepreneur. Over the next several decades, he founded, operated, and exited a wide-range of SMB for-profit and non-profit ventures. Included in these, was the Austin Children’s Cancer Center, which treated children with cancer and their families–regardless of their ability to pay. It was also the first pediatric oncology out-patient clinic in the world to offer psychological support to patients and their families as a standard part of the care and treatment. In addition, Ray owned and operated companies in the retail, medical, import, and digital marketing spheres.

Always a futurist, Ray rightly perceived in 2014 the inherent vulnerability of the global IT infrastructure, so he shape-shifted one more time by self-schooling himself on the CISSP certification. This seminal event gave him the technical language and skills required to understand and manage a cybersecurity company…the entree into what was then a budding cybersecurity industry. Via Ray’s strong professional network (as President and Chairman of the Board, he orchestrated the renaissance and success of TiE Rockies) Ray was soon introduced to Mitch Tanenbaum. The two quickly teamed up, and the rest is history.

ray hutchins linked in

Our Professional Cybersecurity Team - U.S. Based and Vetted

Our philosophy regarding our people:
1. If we take care of our people, our people will take care of our customers, and our business will take care of itself.
2. Our people are our company's real competitive advantage. They are the ones making the real magic happen--so long as we are meeting their needs.

Chief Information Security Officers

Vetted and led by our own Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Mitch Tanenbaum, our team of virtual, part-time CISOs works together to provide your company with the strategic and tactical cybersecurity and compliance support required.

Executive and High Net Worth Risk Manager

This individual understands high net worth cyber, social, and physical security requirements and tools. Her focus is to protect individuals and their families from attack and to prevent such attacks from migrating to associated business environments.

IT OPs Team

Comprised of Experienced System, Network, and Security Engineers

These are the technical engineers that get into the weeds of making sure your IT infrastructure hardware and applications are correctly installed, updated, and configured to meet your security requirements. They also make sure the correct tools have been deployed to monitor your environment and they are involved in any incident response and analysis.These folks are a core element in your IT team.

Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing Engineers

All compliance and regulatory regimes require that your IT infrastrucure is tested regularly for vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Our military-trained, ethical, vulnerability scanning and penetration teams use the latest tools and processes to probe and analyze your network and application systems for vulnerabilities. We then provide your team with the information it needs to harden your systems against attack.


Crisis Communications Management Specialist

Our certified communication management professional (CMP) has 30 years experience in public and private companies and non-profit organizations during incident response, reputation/crisis management, strategic communications planning and media training. She is a FEMA-trained Incident Commander with experience as a national EMS public information officer during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (2005), Dean (2007), Ike and Gustav (2008).

Forensic Analysis Engineers

If your infrastructure is breached, then insurance companies and others may require a detailed forensic analysis of the situation. Such investigations may end up as part of legal proceedings, therefore special processes and tools must be used to collect, analyze, process, and document the data.

Security Awareness Training Specialists

The weakest link in your security chain and the most common attack vector is you and your people. Everyone must be trained and tested CONSTANTLY if you are serious about security. Our Security Awareness Training Specialist monitors your training program and your proficiency in using the training tools and content. They are an essential part of your cybersecurity program.

Customer Success Managers

These are the critical folks that watch all the timelines and other progress indicators of your program and make sure you are happy and satisfied. Their reports to our management are some of the most important reports generated.

Cloud Security Operations Specialists

While the cloud has many advantages, one downside is that your security attack surface is greater than when your systems and services were behind an internal firewall. The opportunity to mis-configure or fail to configure a security option is high. Depending on which Microsoft (Azure), Amazon (AWS) or Google cloud services you are using, there could be over 1,000 security checkpoints to configure. Our cloud security experts can audit the security of your environment and help you configure the security of your O.365/M.365, Azure, AWS, Google, etc. environments and help you keep them secure on an ongoing basis.

Cybersecurity Project Management Specialists

Getting cybersecurity projects completed in the shortest and most efficient manner is a very difficult task. Not only must these specialists fully understant all elements of cybersecurity and compliance, they must be able to coordinate between yours and our technical and management teams. This is a critical and essential player in completing cybersecurity projects and efforts.

Crypto Currency Recovery Specialists

It may very well be true that government backed currencies are in a process of gravitating to a safer blockchain foundation. But at this early stage of the process with 2500+ crypto currencies and many software-based wallets, crypto currencies are a criminal's playground and there is much risk. If you are victimized in such a situation and seek recovery of your crypto currency losses, it MAY be possible to recover some or all of your losses. There are many individuals and companies claiming they can get your money back...and maybe they can. But you must know that it is difficult, time-consuming, and recovery typically requires enlisting the help of the FBI and/or perhaps the Secret Service (on your behalf) to communicate with law enforcement in other parts of the world. Our Crypto Currency Recovery Specialists can analyze your particular situation and assess the liklihood of a successful recovery. Then, if you choose to move forward, you can have confidence that your chances of recovery are maximized.

Data Analyzers and Processors

Your company likely has LOTS of data that is not being correctly utilized. Staying safely within your own IT environment, our data team locates, distills and processes dozens or hundreds of data sources. We correctly organize and model your data to deliver the actionable KPIs, trends, and insights that let you make fast, informed, bottom-line decisions that drive operations optimization, growth and profitability. Our team takes ugly, unused data and turns it into something you can use.

I’ve known Ray and Mitch for several years and worked with Ray on the Board of the ISSA
and other projects. They are complete professionals and a valued assets of our country's cybersecurity community.

Alex Wood CISO, Uplight, Past President, Board Member, Information Security Systems Association (ISSA)